What is the Church's "Mission in the Economy"?
In their book, "The Church and Economic Life", Malcolm Brown and Paul Ballard write:
"The neglect of the economy as a location for practical theology and Christian ethics has been, and remains, an omission that diminishes the ability of churches to witness to the claims of the gospel in the contemporary world."
With its aim of "Connecting Church and the Economy", BCUIM looks to set right that omission. But what does this mean practically? How do we fulfil our "Mission in the Economy"?
Here are some pointers to what it looks like:

Mission in the Economy is about:
Engaging with the economic order:
- how Christians spend and invest
- supporting people under economic pressure (especially those without work)
- participation in economic regeneration projects
- Christian response to issues and events in the economy and their effects on the environment
Workplace Chaplaincy:
- Recognised ministers, ordained and lay, who visit employers in industry, commerce and the public sector
- A pastoral (“listening ear”) and prophetic (“critical friend”) ministry
Promoting "Faith at Work":
- Affirming the value of people’s working lives
- Considering ethical issues which arise in the workplace
- Prayer for people in their daily activities
- Encouraging people to express Gospel values and truth appropriately, and to show Christian care and support for those around them
- Preaching which addresses the real issues which people face each week
The workplace is important.